Oh yay! I’m so glad you tried and gave your opinions on the Willow breast pump! I think I sent you a message requesting your thoughts on it on IG or here a few months back, so I’m delighted to know you actually like it and can confidently suggest it. My wee one is due this May and I’m considering exclusively using Willow for pumping when I eventually have to return to work and the nugget still needs breastmilk (is it normal I’m already sad about it and he’s not even born yet…? Omg, the emotions!). Thanks, Mary! Btw, so cool Aveda makes tea too! I definitely plan to try the one you mentioned. Sounds lovely on cold, wintery days. 🙂
Hot Rollers are my hero too!
I have curly hair so don’t need the volumisers, I let it dry naturally then roll. As you say, 5 minute job, and I too have been using them since I was 15. I can’t grasp all that time people spend sectioning and straightening or curling their hair. I don’t have the patience and it feels like my arm would fall off from all that work.
Great blog, you are my style icon, I’m in Australia and have been following since the classy cubicle days. A.
I love hot rollers! I use Conair Big Curls, I only use the metal clips. My hair is so thick that the comb clips don’t hold my hair. Lol so happy there is someone else that love hot rollers. I’ve been told my hair looks like the Breck Girl hair! I’m 61 and not sue if your followers know about Break commercials but the look is timeless! You could be the new Break Girl!
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