Navigating Financial Relief Programs With Intuit Aid Assist

Navigating Financial Relief Programs With Intuit Aid Assist

Small business owners and the self-employed have seen their livelihoods completely upended, essentially overnight. Rich and I run three small businesses, so we know the challenges firsthand. One thing that is important to remember is that you’re not alone, there are resources out there and helpful information available. If you’re currently having difficulty navigating government relief programs during these uncertain times, I’m thrilled to share a new, completely FREE platform from Intuit.

Intuit has recently partnered with the U.S. government to create Aid Assist, a free service that helps small business owners, self-employed, contractors, free-lancers and gig workers of all kinds determine whether they are eligible for federal assistance. Aid Assist will tell you if you are eligible, how much you are eligible for, how much of your loan is likely to be forgiven and where you can apply.