Cord Holder

Cord Holder

When it comes to accessories, I’m pretty picky, so when I find something I really like, I’m not shy about singing its praises. If I like a belt or a headband or a certain pair of pumps, you hear about it. The same is true of my bags, and unless this is the first time you’ve visited Memorandum, you know the Senreve Maestra is at the top of that list. In addition to being absolutely BEAUTIFUL, it is also one of the smartest wardrobe investments I’ve made, and I’m prepared to prove it to you. Realizing I’d never gathered all of my reasons I invested in a Senreve Maestra and for loving this bag in one place, I’ve amassed here the full, thorough list of why the Senreve Maestra is the ultimate work tote, carry on and diaper bag in one and why I think everyone should own it. Read on, and invest confidently. I am glad I did, every single day.