Are Fashion Investment Pieces Worth It? Use This Cost-Per-Wear Calculator!

Are Fashion Investment Pieces Worth It? Use This Cost-Per-Wear Calculator!

We’ve all come across pricey items heralded as “investment pieces” at some point in our shopping journey. Sometimes they tempt us, other times we’re left wondering why on earth anyone would spend a lot of money on something they could get much more affordably at “high street” retailers. Is “investment piece” just another way of saying overpriced? Or, are there instances where it really, truly makes more financial sense to purchase a more expensive item? Personally, I rely on a simple cost-per-wear calculation to help guide these purchasing decisions, which I’ll break down for you today. This method really helps you look at clothing and accessory purchases in a whole new light, and may even make you realize that some of your “no-brainer” purchases at Zara are actually costing you more money in the long run. Regardless of individual taste or style, understanding the cost-per-wear of your fashion purchases is a lesson in value everyone can use. Let’s dig in.