The 22 Most Highly Recommended Face Masks

The 22 Most Highly Recommended Face Masks

If you follow me on Instagram, you’re aware of my latest conundrum: Despite being six months into a global pandemic, I’ve yet to find a face mask that’s all the things I need it to be—comfortable, breathable, and more than anything, safe and effective. I took to the ol’ Instagram stories because I remembered one vital piece of information: You guys are REALLY GOOD AT SHARING YOUR THOUGHTS. Need I remind you about the beauty must-haves? I needn’t.

Anyway, let’s stay safe and protected, bonus points for comfort and style. Below, a list of 22 brands that came incredibly highly recommended by you guys, particularly the top five: Athleta, Etsy, Old Navy, Tory Burch, and Jaanu. If your current face masks are just sort of… there, know that we can do WAY better than that. Shop VERY highly recommended face masks below. Everybody stay safe and healthy. And maybe also stylish from the eyes-down? But mostly safe and healthy.