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Love cold weather patterns, but love looking professional, too? Here’s the formula…
The problem with wearing this color is that it just really makes me want a cocktail… and a beach… Jacket: Theory; Skirt: J. Crew (similar here); Blouse: Ann Taylor (similar here); Shoes: Michael Kors (similar here); Earrings: Ralph Lauren; Silver Monogram Necklace, Bracelet, Rings (old); Polish: Essie (e-nuf is e-nuf) Thanks to Special Contributor Amanda K. Stay in touch: INSTAGRAM + BLOGLOVIN + FACEBOOK TWITTER + PINTEREST
Despite my love for the natural beauties discussed yesterday, I have been waging war on any and all floral-printed fashion items basically since I was first allowed to dress myself. For some reason, I’ve always steered clear of flowery garments because I felt like anything floral was in stark opposition to my generally classic, unfussy fashion sense. Oh how very, very wrong I was. This spring, the ubiquitous, striking floral prints are making a convert of even me. And, while not all florals are meant for the office, this silk skirt paired with the right jacket and accessories looks…