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A lipstick organization tool that will change your life, two great fall finds to snatch up now, my favorite waist belts, book recommendations chock-full of career advice and inspiration, my newest Everlane tee obsession, the solution for chapped lips, and a ridiculously delicious one-pot chicken recipe.
Jeans: Mother | Coat: Michael Kors | Sweater: Townsen | Blouse: Michael Kors | Shoes: Matisse Sunglasses: Ray-Ban | Polish: Essie JavaScript is currently disabled in this browser. Reactivate it to view this content. IT’S CASUAL FRIDAY. Bust out your favorite denim, people, because it’ll be another seven days before these babies will see the mildly-carcinogenic fluorescent light of your work day. Typically (and by typically, I mean my entire adult life) I’ve pretty much worn the same three or four brands of jeans that I’ve arbitrarily and inexplicably deemed the only jeans that could possibly fit me. Recently, however,…
Shot by Alexander Scott Harris Top: c/o Ann Taylor (40% off sweaters and pants today at Ann Taylor!!) | Pants: c/o Theysken’s Theory (similar here, here and here) | Shoes: c/o Ann Taylor | Necklace: c/o Ann Taylor | Bracelet: c/o Ann Taylor | Sunglasses: Stella McCartney | Nails: Essie (No More Film)