My 12 Favorite Tried And Tested Beauty Finds For Fall

My 12 Favorite Tried And Tested Beauty Finds For Fall

As you’re well aware, beauty “needs and wants” change with the seasons—and that was true before maskne, amiright? We’re well into fall now, currently craving different serums and scents, and it’s time to get your lineup in order. Below, check out 12 new stand-out products that I have tested and fallen in love with over the past many months. Think of this as my must-try beauty finds for fall, from hydrating serums and acne spot treatments, to the best hair mask and concealer for those tired quarantine eyes. 

Also, I recently purchased refills of many of the items below from Nordstrom and used their free curbside pickup option to get everything from my local Nordstrom store same-day. Why do I always forget this option exists? It couldn’t be easier: You just order online, select the Buy & Pickup option, then get your goods delivered straight to your car. To be specific, everything is actually delivered straight to your trunk and you never even have to get out or roll down your window. After placing your online order, just drive over to your local store, alert them that you’ve arrived, wait for the Nordstrom employee to come out with your bags, and pop your trunk. Done. Not only does this makes for a ridiculously fast and convenient experience, but also, anything I can do to reduce exposure and spend less time in public places is a huge win in my book.