My Favorite Lip Combo

My Favorite Lip Combo

I’ve been getting endless questions about my current lip color scheme, and I’m always happy to share when I find a pairing that genuinely works. Although, unless you’re new around here, you know that the combo I’ve been wearing lately is no new discovery. It’s my long-standing favorite duo of Pat McGrath’s Permagel Ultra Lip Pencil in shade Buff, and my beloved Neutrogena MoistureSmooth Color Stick in shade Plum Perfect. You’ve heard me rave about MoistureSmooth before and if you haven’t, hello and welcome to its fan account, happy to have you. It comes in the best range of colors, is unbelievably moisturizing and long-lasting, and while it isn’t billed as a lip plumper, it always makes my lips look bigger when wearing it.