As far as I’m concerned, there is no other sour candy other than Wiley Wallaby Sourrageous Drops. Like, they can just go ahead and stop making all the other kinds. These little drops of heaven are watermelon, lemon and green apple with a sour candy shell and soft licorice center and what good is it TYPING ABOUT THEM WHEN YOU CAN SNACK? Just purchase, enjoy, and thank me later.
Wiley Wallaby Sourrageous Drops
As far as I’m concerned, there is no other sour candy other than Wiley Wallaby Sourrageous Drops. Like, they can just go ahead and stop making all the other kinds. These little drops of heaven are watermelon, lemon and green apple with a sour candy shell and soft licorice center and what good is it TYPING ABOUT THEM WHEN YOU CAN SNACK? Just purchase, enjoy, and thank me later.