I know we’re all looking for smart meal prep moves these days, and I’m currently on a soft boiled egg kick and wanted to discuss. It can be hard to find the right method for achieving the perfect soft boiled egg, but I’ve been using the steaming method because I’ve found it to be the easiest and most consistent. To achieve it, just bring about an inch of water in a pot to a boil. Add your eggs (this method is intended for LARGE eggs, btw!), throw the lid on, and set your timer for five minutes and thirty seconds. Once the timer goes off, immediately run ice cold water over the eggs. Then, just crack and eat! DELISH.
Soft Boiled Egg
Thank you Athleta and ShopStyle for partnering on this post!
The holiday season isn’t all gowns and glitter. Sometimes we actually need to get things done, too. Everything from essential errands to workouts still have to happen, but that is no reason why you shouldn’t love what you’re wearing during all of those have-tos, amiright? A very simple solution exists for needing to get things done while also not feeling like you’re wearing tattered rags. It’s called activewear, Athleta has mastered it, and I’m obsessed.