Owning The Interview

Owning The Interview

If you follow on Instagram, you may have heard the exciting news that Rich and I recently launched a digital course, Owning The Interview! This labor of love has been over two years in the making and offers job hunters the comprehensive insider strategies to approach any interview with confidence. It’s always vital to have strong skills when looking for a new job, but perhaps never more important than this year, when so much has changed for so many of us professionally. In creating this course, we combined our own extensive experience on both sides of the interview table with tips from dozens of executives and hiring managers from Fortune 500 companies, startups, and everything in between to offer the most robust suite of tools for any job interview, no matter what level and no matter what industry. Make no mistake: this is not your average fluffy interview course that’s going to tell you to sit up straight and make eye contact. We’re breaking down the specific methods and secret tactics that make all the difference in standing out from the competition that you truly won’t hear anywhere else.