I love the “best pizza in New York” debate because in the end, we all win. Thrillist just published a comprehensive guide to NYC’s really outstanding pizza purveyors, and regardless of the style you love most, you’re going to find the perfect pizza destination for you. And hey, if you want to treat this piece as your personal “to-do” list for fall, you have my permission and admiration. Send all standout menu items to my DMs please and thank you.
NYC’s Best Pizza
You know what’s fun? Being prepared. I don’t know why, but if things are going to go wrong, they’ll definitely wait until I’m standing (sweating) on a subway platform while there’s a train delay and the heel of my shoe is broken and I’ve just accidentally rubbed up against a gross mystery substance that may or may not cause my slow and painful death. But fear not! There are ways to stay prepared for all kinds of unpleasant eventualities, and it just so happens your favorite work bag (or mine) is big enough to hold them all.
Below, a full list of the commute essentials, most likely found in my bag on any given day of the week. What are the ever-present items you keep in your work bag and tote around everywhere? Comment below, because isn’t every list a work in progress? Lol. That was funny. Was that funny? I can’t tell, I’m too pregnant.