Match South launched in 2020 as a passion project to garner support for the restaurant industry but has continued post-pandemic because of people like me who just adore their prints. The brand creates high-quality photographs of matchbooks from classic restaurants, sports teams and hotels like this Plaza New York print that I’m obsessed with. You can shop the 12×12 inch prints by state and add a frame to make it a memorable and personal gift this holiday season.
Framed Matchbook Prints
Match South launched in 2020 as a passion project to garner support for the restaurant industry but has continued post-pandemic because of people like me who just adore their prints. The brand creates high-quality photographs of matchbooks from classic restaurants, sports teams and hotels like this Plaza New York print that I’m obsessed with. You can shop the 12×12 inch prints by state and add a frame to make it a memorable and personal gift this holiday season.