Martin Luther King Day

Martin Luther King Day

There are so many inspiring quotes from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. being shared today, the date that rightly honors his life and work. But, as a prolific writer, speaker and preacher, Dr. King left us much more than quick sound bites. He left an incredible body of work that is worthy of our time and reflection, especially today, especially this year.  I had the pleasure of studying many of these texts in college, but am re-reading several this week. This article is a great place to start, curated by Dr. Carolyn Calloway-Thomas, chair of African American and African Diaspora Studies at Indiana University Bloomington and an editor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Sermonic Power of Public Discourse.  In this article, Dr. Calloway-Thomas identifies five essential pieces of Dr. King’s work that we should all know about and offers expert insight and context before linking to the original texts so we can read and learn from Dr. King’s powerful words themselves.