Why, pray tell, did aprons stop being a thing? Yes, I know chefs are still wearing them, but I’m talking about you and me. Average Janes who don’t always have time to change out of our work clothes before it’s time to whip something up for hangry children. We’re bringing them back into the mainstream fold. I declare it. They’re so necessary! Not just for cooking but also for just… being around toddlers who are often covered in… all the things. I love this gingham apron as well as the entire apron section at Anthropologie. Super functional and super cute. Let’s bring ‘em back.
Gingham Apron
Why, pray tell, did aprons stop being a thing? Yes, I know chefs are still wearing them, but I’m talking about you and me. Average Janes who don’t always have time to change out of our work clothes before it’s time to whip something up for hangry children. We’re bringing them back into the mainstream fold. I declare it. They’re so necessary! Not just for cooking but also for just… being around toddlers who are often covered in… all the things. I love this gingham apron as well as the entire apron section at Anthropologie. Super functional and super cute. Let’s bring ‘em back.