Ergatta Rower Discount Code

Ergatta Rower Discount Code

You’ve likely seen me describe why Rich and I are so obsessed with the Ergatta Rower on my Instagram stories, but let’s revisit because my DMs are a constant flood of questions about the machine and whether my discount code is still good (it is and it’s MARYO50). I love this rower for countless reasons, but if we’re zeroing in on why it’s a vital part of my fitness routine, let’s focus on the most important factors: First, the programming on the Ergatta rower is game-based, so essentially you feel like you’re playing a game while you work out. This means you never get bored even though you’re doing a repetitive movement. Second, the rowing itself burns twice the calories of running or spinning. To be clear: On this rower, I can get a better workout in 15 minutes than I could if I went for a 30-minute run. Lastly, rowing utilizes 85% of the muscles throughout your body, so with just one machine, you’re working out your lower body, core and upper body, while getting a low-impact cardio workout as well. Rich and I can’t say enough good things about this machine (and we have tried MANY rowing machines), so I’ll leave it there but if you’re interested, use my code MARYO50 for $50 off! They also offer financing for $62/month which is a great option to consider. Oh, and it is basically a work of art designed to fold up against the wall so it takes up no space. OK I’M STOPPING NOW.