Chic Baseball Caps

Chic Baseball Caps

You know what’s fun? Not doing your hair. I hope we can all agree that Baseball caps are a Saturday (or Sunday or Monday or Tuesday) morning’s best friend. However, I was receiving a lot of flack from family members who took note that I was consistently wearing a New York Yankees hat and wondered when I’d changed baseball allegiances. Battle lines were drawn and things got ugly before I even had the chance to clarify that it wasn’t so much about the team, but about the fact that I had received a free Yankees hat years ago that just so happens to go with more of my outfits due to its black and white color scheme. My home team’s brightly colored alternatives just didn’t offer the same sartorial satisfaction. However, after much searching (and even more ridicule from my family), I recently found this brand and I really love them. The fit is spectacular and the styles thankfully include a black and white version of my home team so I can support them no matter what else I’m wearing. All is right with the world.