Barefoot Contessa Rosemary Cashews

Barefoot Contessa Rosemary Cashews

Okay, wow, so… NEW YEAR. New decade, even. While the logical part of me knows that making the transition from one month to the next is entirely arbitrary, there is something really magical about transitioning to a completely new year. It gives us a sense of a fresh start, and regardless of what the calendar says, there is no better time than the present to not only start identifying new goals, but to set a starting point for tracking their progress, too. Personally, this new year seems particularly exciting and invigorating. A year ago at this time, I was newly pregnant, in the throes of hyperemesis gravidarum. My goals were centered around staying out of the hospital and keeping food down long enough to make it through a 30 minute conference call. One year later, I have a baby girl who is sleeping through the night (praise the Lord) and am eager to solidify a new routine and attack a new set of personal and professional goals.