Since our wedding in mid-August, I’ve majorly fallen off the workout wagon.  Well, I like to think of it less as falling off the workout wagon and more as jumping on the indian delivery/french fries/ranch dressing goes on EVERYTHING wagon.  This wagon is delicious, but this wagon is my downfall.
Frighteningly, the holidays are fast approaching which means more of the same poor eating habits and limited time to exercise (work holiday parties, friend holiday parties, lots o’ family stuff…), so I feel like intervention time is NOW.  Because really, if I don’t turn this ship around shortly, I might as well just go bathe in a tub of high-fructose corn syrup until January 4th.
Since I personally need a kick in the pants and since soooo many of you have been requesting a workout post for… forever… I figured I’d finally oblige (sorry it took so long) and give you my top tips on what I do to work out, how to fit a workout into your workweek, and how to actually stick to it.

At the beginning of the week set a workout schedule.  I’m not talking about saying to yourself, “Ok, I’m going to workout three times this week on Monday, Wednesday and Friday after work.”  I’m talking about pulling up your iPhone calendar (or whatever you rely on) and actually inputting a 60 minute time slot into those three days at specific times.  Throughout the week as things come up, this will allow you to schedule and plan around your workouts.  If I have a workout on my calendar and my girlfriends text me to grab drinks I’m able to say, sure, I’m free after 7:30!  And stick to that 6:00pm run. If I just say loosely “I’m going to exercise after work tonight” it’s so much easier to get distracted by all of the other things in my life—work, social events, TV shows that I’m binge watching, google image searches of the royal babies—important things that come up throughout the day and cause me to completely forget that I had a workout in mind.  Honestly, simply forgetting to workout is often my biggest problem.  I get caught up in life and work and all of a sudden it’s midnight, I’m going to bed, and I realize I completely forgot I had planned on working out.  If I had scheduled a workout and it was on my calendar (with a reminder set), I probably would have allocated my time differently during the day to stick to a more efficient schedule. How many of you just google image searched the royal babies? ; ) If you’re a morning workout person, you especially have to do this—get it on the calendar and commit.  If you allow yourself to decide when you’re going to bed at 11:30pm (or when your alarm clock goes off at 6:30am) the likelihood that you’ll make an excuse and sleep in is so much higher.  The excuses I’m able to weave in a semi-comatose state when my alarm sounds at 6:00am and I’m supposed to decide whether or not to workout that morning are nothing short of extraordinary.  If you have it on your calendar and you’ve already decided (and better yet, prepaid for a workout class maybe?), you’ll be able to plan ahead so you can get to sleep earlier the night before your workouts and in the morning, there’s nothing left up in the air… except for a few expletives when you’re heaving yourself out of bed.
Ideally, we’d all have time to workout for 90 minutes a day, five days a week.  However, let’s face it.  Ain’t. Nobody. Got. Time.  If you know you have a super hectic week where you just can’t make your favorite 90 minute yoga classes, don’t forget that it isn’t all or nothing.  There are easy 10-20 minute workouts that you can do anywhere.  If you can’t schedule those full-blown sweat sessions, still schedule 20 minutes at home where you do a simple circuit of sit-ups, lunges and push-ups, for example. In general, mixing up your workout routine is not only better for your body, but also better for your state of mind.  Personally, I can be a creature of habit and will sometimes end up doing the same workout class for weeks in a row.  However, after a few weeks I’ll burn out and all of a sudden feel bored of the routine, and eager to make excuses.  To prevent this, find a group of workouts that you enjoy, rotate them throughout the week, and don’t be afraid to periodically throw in a new workout class into your schedule.
- I’ve been a runner since I was young, and whether it’s on the treadmill or the streets of San Francisco, this is my cardio of choice.
- There are a couple parks and some buildings in my neighborhood that have super long outdoor stairs.  I’m a big fan of a couple sets of stairs at the beginning or end of my run.
- I love pilates, and particularly love pilates-yoga fusion classes.
- I LOVE barre method classes.
- I love Barry’s Bootcamp.
- I keep 5, 10 and 15 pound hand weights in my apartment so that on days when I don’t have time to get to the gym, I’m able to do some lunges, sit ups, and simple weight training at home on a yoga mat.
I love the arm workout you get from bringing a cheeseburger from the table to your mouth.

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