I sported this super casual look over the weekend, and this 24/7 365 t-shirt was particularly apropos since my weekend was full of work work work. Luckily, I absolutely love what I do, for both Trove and Memorandum, so no complaints here! However, after instagramming this t-shirt over the weekend I’ve gotten so many requests on where to find it, I thought I’d make a blog post of it.

The t-shirt is from the king of hustle, Gary Vaynerchuk, who is one heck of an inspiring, impressive dude. He makes tons of cool graphic t-shirts, tanks, hoodies and tons more which you can peruse here. (I also got this cool Hustle sweatshirt which I’m pretty obsessed with.) Merchandise aside, if you’re an entrepreneur or an aspiring one, you should definitely check him out on Instagram, YouTubeābasically everywhere. In addition to running Vayner Media and tons of other crazy successful businesses and investments (ever heard of Twitter? Snapchat? How ’bout Uber or Venmo?), he’s a content machine offering up tons of really fantastic career and life advice, with a particular focus on entrepreneurship. Personally, I find his no-BS approach to really ring true, especially in a culture that glorifies entrepreneurship as some sort of glamorous fairytale. Ha, when I was working until 3:30am on Saturday night, I promise things didn’t look quite so glamorous around here. Definitely check him out!

T-SHIRT: Gary Vee Shop | JEANS: Levi’s (similar HERE) | JACKET: WHBM (old, similar HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE | SNEAKERS: Vince
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