DRESS: old, similar HERE and HERE | BAG: J.W. Anderson | BELT: old, similar HERE
I’ve shared this on instastories several times in the past, but since it continues to be one of the most frequently asked questions in my DMs and comments section, I thought I’d memorialize it here in a post! Ladies and gents, this little $8 pill remover from Amazon has been a total game-changer for my winter wardrobe. Unfortunately, even the most beautiful, high-quality sweaters can become covered in pills and ugly fuzz after repeated wears and washings but with a quick swipe of this fabric shaver, your sweaters will look BRAND SPANKIN’ NEW. It’s bonkers.
The battery-operated gadget quickly removes pills, fuzz, and stray threads without damaging the fabric at all. And, since it’s super tiny, it’s easy to keep handy in your dresser drawer or even your suitcase for use while traveling. Best eight bucks I’ve ever spent!!
Quick note of caution—I’ve tried various DIY tricks, including using a disposable razor to remove sweater pills, but wouldn’t recommend these methods. When using a razor, the process is not only MUCH more time consuming but you’re also much more likely to damage the underlying fabric because there is no protective barrier between the blade and the fabric fibers. With this fabric shaver, the rotating blades are separated from the fabric by protective caging which allows pills and fuzz to pass through, but none of the underlying fabric.
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