Cobalt Blue
Skirt: Kate Spade (same Kate Spade skirt in a different print here and similar DVF version here) ; Shirt: Brooks Brothers; Wallet: Kate Spade; Flats: French Sole; Belt: Ralph Lauren; Polish: Essie (Butler Please) Important Note: A huge thanks to one of my readers, Joy, who reminded me of an important point of clarification: In certain office environments and geographical areas, non-traditional nail color has become perfectly acceptable. As a resident of fashion-forward New York City, I can say that grays, blues, and other atypical hues are commonly seen and totally acceptable in many if not most office environments. However, as with everything, you have to judge your own office environment before jumping on the blue nail band wagon. If your office environment is very formal or you live in an area where these non-traditional nail colors generate an undesirable level of shock value and distraction, definitely steer clear! And, just to be clear, these acceptable non-traditional nail colors do not include those covered in Cubicle Crime #7 (neon nails) or my post on metallic nails. People have to draw the line somewhere… Check out even more from The Classy Cubicle on… INSTAGRAM + BLOGLOVIN + FACEBOOK TWITTER + PINTEREST
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