Best of 2018: Books

Best of 2018: Books

Whether it was an audiobook, an e-book or a traditional book with actual pages made out of paper (gasp!), we read stuff in 2018. And while I know we all keep extensive “must read” lists (when we get around to those is anyone’s guess), it’s rare that we look back on everything we read in a year and take stock of the very best. Even better? Getting together with all of your girlfriends and making a massive “favorite books of the year” list which is 100% how I’m looking at this exercise and the resulting line-up below.

If you’re just tuning in, today I’m continuing my “Best of 2018” posts which round-up your responses from a series of questionnaires I posted on instastories asking for you to share your 2018 favorites in the areas of skincare, TV, movies, clothing, books, podcasts, travel and more. Thousands of you responded and day-by-day I’m posting the top items that were submitted the most in each category.

As evidenced by today’s list of books, you had some phenomenal favorites, and you are personally to blame for my next Amazon haul. Apologies in advance to both my credit card and my mail carrier.

Before your next flight or rainy Sunday, check out the best books of 2018, as chosen by you.