12 Clean Beauty Brands For Pregnancy, Breastfeeding, and Postpartum

12 Clean Beauty Brands For Pregnancy, Breastfeeding, and Postpartum

When it comes to clean beauty and skincare, I’m very much a work in progress. I’m devoted to lots of old favorites, but whenever I can, I like to try out products that go the extra mile in eliminating ingredients that are… less than ideal for our bodies. This desire to “clean up” my routine is especially acute during the pregnancy, breastfeeding, and postpartum phases when I have a tiny person who is very likely to be smooshing her face into my face while giving me something in the ballpark of kisses. (We’re working on it.) Anyway, I’m hyper-aware of the products and ingredients I’m using during this incredibly important time, and I’m thrilled that Nordstrom has so many clean beauty brands for me to choose from. Below, a list of my current favorites!