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Today I’m sharing some great items that are on sale right now in hopes that a little retail therapy will help you recover from any saran-wrapped toilet seat incidents that may have besieged you on this April Fool’s Day.
Click on individual shoes above for product details. Each shoe comes in multiple colors, so if you spot a style you like, click to see more options! …because St. Patrick’s Day is about shoes, right? Continuing this week’s spring footwear theme, I thought I’d share some more of my spring shoe favorites. I’m a particular fan of these perforated slip-on sneakers. Last spring, I bought a similar pair and wore them constantly—well into the fall. For more formal work pumps, I’m in need of a new classic pair of nude heels so these ones and these ones are currently in the running. I made…
— Click on the individual pictures to see more of each outfit — My most sincere thanks to all of you for the love and support in 2014. Looking forward to lots of exciting things to come in 2015! Happy New Year!! For the 2013 Retrospective, click here… check out @maryorton on instagram…
— Click the individual pictures to see more of each outfit — Happy (almost) New Year! Thanks for making 2013, my first year in the blogosphere, a great one. Hello 2014! XXOO, Mary
Happy Friday! Since we’re coming up on a three day weekend with the celebration of Memorial Day on Monday here in the US, I thought it would be apropos to end this week with a look back at some of my personal favorites from the past few months. Let me know which one you like best! Click the picture to see more of each outfit… Check out even more from The Classy Cubicle on… INSTAGRAM + BLOGLOVIN + FACEBOOK TWITTER + PINTEREST